Our Data Packages

The basis of the sediment distribution card are extensive side views and ground truthing data (floor gripper and underwater camera). The data include: - Professional lines of hydroacoustic data acquisition (side view) - Stations of gripping sample frames - Stations as well as transcts of data collection using an underwater video camera The basis for the creation of the sediment distribution cards is high -resolution side view monosaics with a resolution of a maximum of 1 m. The data is offered for download via Web Feature Services (WFS) and can include: can be downloaded from GML2, KML and Shape-Zip formats.

Format: Shape, GML, KML

For the classification of the sea floor sediment, granulometric analyzes of more than 17,000 sediment samples based on a selective, irregularly distributed sample grid were used. The individual sediment samples were classified based on the grain size distribution.

Format: Shape, GML, KML

The three-dimensional circulation model of the BSH (BSH-HBMNOKU), calculates simulations of different parameters of the water column based on several interactively coupled grids. The horizontal grid distance in the German bay and western Baltic Sea is about 0.9 km, the rest of the North and Baltic Sea about 5 km. The depth of the water column is divided into a variety of layers of different thicknesses. A prediction for the North and Baltic Sea is expected four times a day on regular LON/LAT grids. Based on the analysis times 00 UTC and 12 UTC, this 120 hours extends into the future and from the analysis times 06 UTC and 18 UTC, a 78 hour preliminary is calculated. The model data is summarized in packages for 6 hours each. The essential parameters are: - Flow, - temperature and salinity, - cell thickness, - water level. The format of the data is the NetCDF format with the CF 1.6 convention

Format: NetCDF

The Marnet measuring network consists of various measuring stations in the German Bay and the western Baltic Sea. You automatically register marine data such as temperature, salt content and surface currents. These are 9 automatically measuring stations and 7 other buoys that only measure the sea. This measurement network is operated by the Federal Office for Sea shipping and hydrography (BSH). Access to all resources is made possible via the Sensorthings API.

Format: JSON

In the case of toxins in the sea, a distinction is made between heavy metals, organic substances, radioactive fabrics and nutrients. The pollutants get into the sea via many ways. They are indirectly entered by rivers and via the ⁠Athmosphere or directly via introductions on the coast as well as by sea shipping and offshore industry. For the North and Baltic Sea, the indirect pollutant inputs via rivers and atmosphere are decisive. The atmospheric entries that can be transported over long distances come mainly from traffic, combustion plants and sea shipping. The data is collected as part of the joint federal/state measurement program for the North and Baltic Sea and other surveillance programs, part in the water, partly in the sediment: Trace fabric (solved): lead, cadmium, copper, manganese, nickel, mercury, zinc Trace fabric (sediment): aluminum, arsenic, lead, cadmium, chromium, iron, lithium, copper, manganese, nickel, mercury, zinc The measurement data are provided with further information such as latitude, degree of length, depth and time of the measurement

Format: Ocean Data View (ODV) Format (ASCII)

Nourishing salts such as phosphate and inorganic nitrogen compounds (nitrate, nitrite, ammonium) and silicate are of fundamental importance for life in the sea. They are vital substances for the structure of the phytoplankton (the microscopically small single algae driving in the sea), on whose biomass production the entire marine food chain is based. Since these substances promote growth, they are referred to as nutrients. Nutrients get into the sea waters in particular via the rivers and through the atmosphere. Too high entries, due to industry, transport and agriculture, led to a strong enrichment of nutrients in sea water in the 1970s and 80s and thus to over -fertilization (eutrophication), which still continues in the coastal regions today. One consequence of this can be, for example, the increased occurrence of algae flowers (phytoplankton and green algae). If they die and drop to the ground, there is increased oxygen sung by the breakdown of organic substance, which can lead to oxygen deficiency situations near the ground. To monitor the marine environment on effects through eutrophication, the spatial and temporal distribution of nutrients is regularly analyzed. The BSH conducts monitoring trips four times a year in fixed geographical positions of a station network. Parameters are: Nitrate+nitrite, nitrite, ammonium, don, pon, total n, phosphate, total p, silicate, POC, doc, oxygen

Format: Ocean Data View (ODV) Format (ASCII)

The BSH receives data from the polar-running NOAA satellites and the European weather satellite Metop and processes them in daily routine into marine skills. The satellites supply recordings of the earth's surface several times a day in the visible and thermal infrared spectral area. Most of the BSH generates and displayed maps of the surface temperature (Sea Surface Temperature, SST) from the North and Baltic Sea. The temperature values ​​for different display periods or statistical comparison purposes are averages over a day, a week or a month. The surface temperature data is provided as a rastized, geo -referenced data in several individual files for one day, one week and a month. The values ​​of a grid pixel correspond to the averaged temperature values ​​for the respective period at the corresponding place.

Format: NetCDF

Contis is a sea database developed by the BSH, which shows at a glance what different uses our marine environment offers today and in the future. The corresponding geodata from contis, for example on seagoing, raw material reduction, planned offshore wind farms or ecological protection areas, are available in the form of digital maps. Among other things, the area content of the respective use, cut surfaces to other users and the space of free, previously unused sea areas is visualized. This is how Contis optimizes the possibilities of recognizing the possibilities of becoming an initial conflict of interest between individual uses at an early stage. Contis (Continental Shelf Information System) focuses on the German mainland base and the exclusive economic zone.

Format: Shape

The data record contains the released status of the spatial stipulations of the area development plan for the German exclusive economic zone as an additional information offer. The planning scale of the plan is 1: 400,000. The announced documents are decisive.

Format: Shape

The data record contains the spatial stipulations of the spatial planning plan published on September 1, 2021 as an additional information offer. The planning scale of the plan is 1: 400,000. The binding documents can be called up at https://www.bsh.de/de/themen/offshore/meeresraumplanung/raumordungsplan_2021/raumordungsplan-2021_node.html With regard to current and future developments in the sea area, the spatial planning plan in particular ensures the following: - Coordination of uses in the planning space in order to achieve the best possible development while at the same time minimal disabilities in the other uses, - Securing the goals of the federal government with regard to offshore wind energy by 2040 and beyond by corresponding surface reservations, - Sustainable development of the AWZ including the protection of the sea environment.

Format: Shape

The dataset contains the location of the bicycle counting station at An der Gurlittinsel. It includes the daily cycle from the previous day, the weekly cycle from the previous week, the yearly cycle of the current year, and various statistical values. For additional data (hourly values from the last week, daily values from the last year, and weekly values since the beginning of recording), see the notes in the Mobility Library.

Format: WFS, GML, CSV

The data set contains process data for a large number of nodes in Hamburg and includes current signal states in real time. In addition, data on detectors such as bicycle, pedestrian, and vehicle requests as well as bus notifications are transmitted. This version is a BETA version.

Format: JSON

This dataset contains the cycling volumes and average cycling speeds recorded using the DB Rad+ app in Hamburg's road network. The data can only be used with the consent of the respective app users.

Format: WFS, GML

This dataset contains the bicycle traffic volumes that were recorded by users of the Stadtradeln app during the campaign of the same name by Klima-BΓΌndnis e.V. in the Hamburg metropolitan area during three-week periods in the years 2018 to 2020.
The dataset is an extract from a nationwide dataset.
This dataset was prepared as part of the MOVEBIS research project at the TU Dresden. This is an mFUND project of the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure. The data is licensed under CC-BY-NC, which means it may not be used for commercial purposes and the author must be credited. The author is as follows: 'Grubitzsch P., Lißner S., Huber S., Springer T., [2021] Technische UniversitÀt Dresden, Professur für Rechnernetze und Professur für Verkehrsâkologie'.
The network basis on which the data is projected is based on Open Street Maps.

Format: WFS, GML

The dataset contains the location of all city bike stations in the Hamburg metropolitan area and the number of bikes and cargo pedelecs currently available for rental.
Further information about the real-time service:
The real-time data service provides the location of all city bike stations in the Hamburg metropolitan area and the number of bikes and cargo pedelecs currently available for rental in JSON format provided by the SensorThings API (STA). In the SensorThings API (STA), the entity 'Thing' represents each city bike station. For the number of available bikes and cargo pedelecs, there is a 'Datastream' entity for each 'Thing'. The number of available bikes (real-time data) is obtained through the 'Observations' entity.

Format: JSON, WFS, GML

The dataset includes traffic data from all locations in Hamburg where motor vehicle traffic (car traffic) is recorded using infrared detectors 24 hours a day and on all days of the year.
The data contains real-time traffic volumes and is provided at counting points summarized for the road cross-section in 15-minute, 60-minute, daily, and weekly intervals.
The data from the counting points is also visualized in the corresponding geo portals of the FHH, e.g. Geo-Online and Verkehrsportal.

Format: JSON

The dataset contains traffic data from all locations in Hamburg where bicycle traffic is recorded 24 hours a day, 7 days a week using infrared detectors. The dataset provides real-time traffic volumes for individual counting fields as well as aggregated counting points from multiple counting fields.

Format: JSON

The dataset contains real-time traffic conditions (updated every 5 minutes) on the Hamburg road network and on major roads in the immediate Hamburg area as well as on the highways running through Hamburg south to LΓΌneburg, Hannover, and Bremen and north to Itzehoe, Flensburg, and LΓΌbeck.

Format: WFS, GML

The permanent residential areas for refugees are displayed with the name, district, and number of housing units.

Format: WFS

The counseling provided by the integration centers is aimed at adults with legal status to stay who have been living here for a longer period and supports them with everyday life questions.
It helps with problems with the German language and personal matters, for example.
The counseling is free, but time-limited.

Format: WFS, GML

Two files are generated daily:
1. Kita_Einrichtung.csv
2. Kita_Einrichtung_Leistung.csv

The file Kita_Einrichtung.csv provides exactly one row of information for each daycare center and is sorted in ascending order by the first column KITAEinrichtung_EinrNr.

The file Kita_Einrichtung_Leistung.csv contains all services offered by the daycare centers and is also sorted in ascending order by the first column KITAEinrichtung_EinrNr.

Format: WFS, GML, CSV

Dataset of hospitals listed in the hospital plan of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg, providing information on the number of planned beds, the number of partially inpatient treatment places, participation in emergency care and obstetrics.

Format: WFS, GML

The Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology (BMVIT) has created a settlement-based regional statistical typology (RegioStaR) to meet the needs of transport and mobility research and policy, as existing typologies were unable to do so. However, it is equally suitable for other fields of study. The typology ranges from a "regional type" differentiated into urban and rural regions, to a "differentiated regional type" divided into four types, and finally to 17 "regional statistical types".

Format: XLSX

Georeferenized location of the display cross -sections of the Stuttgart Park Management System System is under construction, data records are not yet complete. Dynamic data record in separate publication.

Format: DATEX II V2

Dynamic remaining place display which is displayed on the corresponding signs of the parking guideline on site. System is under construction, data records are not yet complete. Static data record in separate publication.

Format: DATEX II V2

Georeferenced location of the parking garages, which are connected to the parking guidance system. System is under construction, data records are not yet complete. Dynamic data in separate publication

Format: DATEX II V2

Dynamic parking lot assignments of all parking garages contained in the parking guidance system of the state capital of Stuttgart. System is under construction, data records are not yet complete. Static parking data in a separate publication

Format: DATEX II V2

Planned and current jobs of shorter or longer duration on 2-train motorways or federal roads as well as classified state and district roads in Baden-WΓΌrttemberg. Source: bis2, construction site information and coordination system BW.

Format: DATEX II V2

Traffic information from the state registration office for the traffic warning service, subject area of ​​the traffic control center of the Hamburg police.

Format: DATEX II V2

Travel times in the port of Hamburg, which help the truck drivers plan the arrival to the terminal entrances.

Format: DATEX II V2

Road sections in the port of Hamburg

Format: DATEX II V2

Static (unchangeable or long-term constant, descriptive) infrastructure information on the parking spaces are recorded.

Format: DATEX II V2

Dynamic (at short notice changeable/ here remaining place capacity) information about the parking spaces. The remaining space capacities relate to truck parking spaces and are determined using accounting procedures.

Format: DATEX II V2

The publication includes information about jobs on the German federal highways. In addition to jobs with a duration of at least 4 days (reportable), the publication can also include shorter jobs (not notified). Data provision is carried out by the transport analysis system, which is operated by the Federal Street system on behalf of the BMDV. The Federal Autobahn GmbH of the federal government is entered in the transport analysis system. At the current time, the publication is not yet complete nationwide. Autobahn GmbH of the federal government is working under high pressure on an improvement in completeness.

Format: DATEX II V2

Location of the traffic measuring cross sections (for traffic situation) on motorways in Baden-WΓΌrttemberg via coordinates (ETRS89)

Format: DATEX II V2

Traffic measurement cross-sections (4-stage traffic situation) of around 1300 measuring cross-sections (per direction of travel and traffic) in the BAB Netz in Baden-WΓΌrttemberg.

Format: DATEX II V2

Location of traffic measuring cross sections on motorways in Baden-WΓΌrttemberg via coordinates (ETRS89)

Format: DATEX II V2

Traffic measurement cross-sections (Q, V) for cars, trucks and cars as well as the truck content of approx. 1300 measuring cross-sections (each direction and traffic relationship) in the Baden-WΓΌrttemberg BAB and federal road network.

Format: DATEX II V2

VMS publication: graphic representation of the change guide display, description of the routing.

Format: DATEX II V2

VMS publication: Graphical representation of the individual exchange signal contents, TLS-Stellcodes, speed restrictions numerical.

Format: DATEX II V2

Situation publication according to the MDM profile data model for strategy-compliant routes: Trigger locations, original routes, detour routes. Investments: Netzmick A9-A92-A99

Format: DATEX II V2

Schleswig-Holstein construction sites

Format: DATEX II V2

The data includes information about the planned and current jobs of jobs/construction sites in Bremen with information regarding the period of construction, type of construction, affected sections, traffic management, the data is updated daily.

Format: DATEX II V2

Location via coordinates (ETRS89) Format: DATEX II, use of predefined locations

Format: DATEX II V2

Trip data (Q, V) for cars, trucks and vehicles as well as the truck content of around 6000 lanes in the North Rhine-Westphalian Bab and Federal Road Network Location via coordinates (ETRS89) in separate publication ("location of the ripening data"). Format: DATEX II, use of predefined locations and elaborateddatapublication Frequency: 1 minute

Format: DATEX II V2

Positions of locking hangers in front of workplaces of shorter duration on BAB in Hesse. Data from the Hessian Dora system.

Format: DATEX II V2

Static supply data of the parking garages in Kassel

Format: DATEX II V2

Status (occupancy) of the parking garages in Kassel

Format: DATEX II V2

The publication contains static supply data from the parking garages of the city of Frankfurt am Main.

Format: DATEX II V2

The publication contains dynamic parking data from the parking garages of the city of Frankfurt am Main.

Format: DATEX II V2

Traffic reports of the city of Kassel on traffic restrictions through construction sites and events

Format: DATEX II V2

The publication contains traffic reports and construction site information from the city of Frankfurt am Main.

Format: DATEX II V2

The data includes the current information on traffic -relevant events of the state registration office (LMS) NRW as an overall data record. In addition to the safety-relevant traffic information (e.g. false drivers, an unsecured scene of the accident, smoothness) in accordance with the framework directive for the traffic warning service (RVWD), the reporting stock also includes information on congestion on the motorways in North Rhine-Westphalia.

Format: DATEX II V2

For each school and its branches if applicable, the following are displayed:
- Address (street, house number, postal code, city, geo-position)
- Contact information (phone, email, fax, website)
- School characteristics (school number, branch yes/no, school type according to budget chapter, adult education yes/no, phone number of school supervisory authority, associated ReBBZ location)
- Number of students

Format: WFS, GML

Alle Senior;innentreffs und Senior:innenkreise verbindet das gemeinsame Ziel, Kontakte zwischen den Menschen zu fΓΆrdern. Nach dem Ausstieg aus dem ErwerbstΓ€tigkeit, dem Weggang der Kinder, auch dem Verlust einer Partnerin bzw. eines Partners sind soziale Kontakte wichtiger denn je. Zum Beispiel im Kreis von Gleichgesinnten in den bezirklichen Senior:innentreffs oder in Senior:innenkreisen und -gruppen.

Format: WFS, GML

Social spatial offers of youth and family assistance (SAJF) provide practical support and advice for families and young people. The use of the offers is voluntary and free of charge. The planning is done by the respective youth welfare office.

Format: WFS, GML

Selected Hamburg playgrounds are linked with photos and brief information as well as a link to a background page on hamburg.de, where the playground (location, facilities, special features, picture gallery, etc.) is described in detail.

Format: WFS, GML

This map shows public facilities available for asylum seekers from Ukraine. The information includes street address, maximum capacity, district, and the date of last update. The numbers indicate maximum capacities and the actual number of occupants may vary.

Format: WFS, GML

This dataset contains the locations of full-time care facilities in Hamburg (residential facilities according to Β§2(4), HmbWBG) along with their maximum occupancy. Additional information on the facilities can be found in the Hamburg Care Compass.

Format: WFS, GML

Workshops for people with disabilities provide employment opportunities on the basis of §§ 219ff. i.V. with §§ 56ff. SGB IX for individuals who are not yet capable of or cannot yet return to employment in the general job market, including employment in an inclusive workplace (§ 215 SGB IX), but who are able to perform a minimum amount of economically viable work. The services provided in the work area are funded by the service provider for integration assistance as "services for participation in working life". Services in the introductory process and in vocational training are usually provided by the Federal Employment Agency, the pension insurance companies, or also the statutory accident insurance companies. Here, only the larger locations of Hamburg workshops are recorded.

Format: WFS, GML

The Central Initial Reception Centers (ZEA) for refugees are shown with planned and existing ZEA, indicated by name, district, and number of places. The numbers of places are maximum numbers. The actual occupancy may differ, for example due to construction work still to be carried out.

Format: WFS

The eulittoral or tidal zone is the area that is exposed at low tide.

Format: WFS, GML

Both the settlement and survival of mussels are linked to various influencing factors, known as environmental parameters, which prevent mussel survival outside certain limits, while promoting habitat within those limits. Overall, regarding potential influencing factors, especially in terms of their magnitude, only vague to no numerical values can be found in the literature. In order to assign individual potentials in the form of numerical values between zero and one to the different environmental parameters, membership functions (combination of sine and cosine functions as well as exponential functions) are created based on the determined minimum, maximum and median values. Using these membership functions, corresponding individual potentials can be determined for each value of an environmental parameter, which are summarized for each point within the study area and valid for the study year using the geometric mean. This results in a potential map for mussel communities, in which the read value is understood as a characteristic value for favorable / unfavorable overall environmental conditions.

For further information, please refer to the information portal (http://easygsh.wb.tu-harburg.de/) and the download portal (https://mdi-de.baw.de/easygsh/).

Format: GML, TIFF

The Geomorphology topic of EasyGSH-DB (Creation of application-oriented synoptic reference data for Geomorphology, Sedimentology and Hydrodynamics in the German Bight) is part of the referenceable, continuously processed basic data set for the German Bight. All products of Geomorphology are listed and referenced under this metadata record.

Format: GeoTIFF, GML, WFS, WCS, Shape

The Hydrodynamics topic of EasyGSH-DB (Creation of application-oriented synoptic reference data for Geomorphology, Sedimentology and Hydrodynamics in the German Bight) is part of the referenceable, continuously processed basic data set for the German Bight. All products of Hydrodynamics are listed and referenced under this metadata record.

Format: GeoTIFF, GML, WCS

The Sedimentology topic of EasyGSH-DB (Creation of application-oriented synoptic reference data for Geomorphology, Sedimentology and Hydrodynamics in the German Bight) is part of the referenceable, continuously prepared basic data set for the German Bight. Under this metadata set, all products of Sedimentology are listed and referenced.

Format: GeoTIFF, GML, WCS

The subject area of synoptic hydrodynamics of EasyGSH-DB (Creation of application-oriented synoptic reference data for geomorphology, sedimentology, and hydrodynamics in the German Bight), is a part of the referencable, continuously processed basic data set for the German Bight. They form the basis of the products created and are provided for free use. Under this metadata set, the products of synoptic hydrodynamics are listed and referenced.

Format: GML, NetCDF

Mudflats are the areas that are dry twice a day due to tides and are also flooded twice a day.

Format: GML, WFS

An overview of the accessibility at train stations and stops (regional transport) in Baden-WΓΌrttemberg. Coverage is complete.

Format: CSV

Overview of accessibility at bus stops in Baden-WΓΌrttemberg. Coverage varies depending on the district (see documentation).

Format: CSV

Live schedule data from EFA-BW for querying individual connections and departures at stops. In addition, the TRIAS API (real-time public transport) offers the possibility to query connections with the inclusion of various barrier-relevant parameters.
The relevant parameters can be found in the inserted table, as well as in the attached documentation.

Format: TRIAS interface; Open API with requestor key (valid until the end of June 23) => subsequently keys for individual users

The dataset contains train, bus, and ferry lines for the hvv area in Hamburg and the surrounding area.

Format: XLS

The dataset contains the location of disabled parking spaces in the Hamburg area. Only public parking spaces without personal data are shown. Typically, the spaces are marked and signposted in the location.

Format: WFS, GML

The dataset contains the location of bike storage facilities at rapid transit stops in the Hamburg area. For each storage facility, the number of public spaces (covered and uncovered) is provided, as well as the number of lockable rental spaces, if available.

Format: WFS, GML

Data on the topic of disabled parking spaces from various cities in Germany (including Cologne, Gelsenkirchen, Heidelberg, Hamburg, Ulm, Karlsruhe, Trier, Nuremberg, Moers).

Format: Various

The dataset contains the locations of publicly accessible charging facilities for electric vehicles in the model region of electric mobility Hamburg. The associated attribute information, such as number of charging points, plug types, and access options are included. In addition, the real-time operating status (free, occupied, out of service, no data) of the charging points is provided.

Format: JSON, WFS, GML

Compilation of all relevant data for intermodal travel chains (sharing, charging stations, parking, etc.). Coverage varies by municipality and provider. By retrieving the DORA API, you will have access to all available content in one interface.

Format: DORA-API

The dataset contains the Park + Ride facilities at rapid transit stations in the Hamburg area with information such as location, number of parking spaces, and number of spaces for disabled and women. It also provides current occupancy information for the facilities.

Format: WFS, GML

The dataset contains the locations of parking garages, underground parking lots, and parking spaces in the Hamburg area, with information on opening hours, prices, number of parking spaces, entrance heights, and partially occupancy data (available parking spaces) and number of women's and disabled parking spaces.

Format: WFS, GML

The dataset contains the cycling infrastructure of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg. As it is a routable dataset, not only classic cycling infrastructure (cycle paths, cycle lanes, protected lanes, etc.) are recorded, but also roads and paths that can be used by cyclists. Furthermore, footpaths are also recorded if they fill gaps in the cycling network as so-called push sections.

Format: WFS, GML

The dataset contains the location, names, and node numbers of all traffic lights in the Hamburg urban area (excluding Hamburg Port Authority [HPA]). Signalized crossings/intersections, which are defined as sub-nodes of the traffic lights, are not shown as separate points.

Format: WFS, GML

The dataset contains the roads and paths of Hamburg with various attributes. The road and path network is maintained in a node-edge model in the Hamburg Road Information Bank (HH-SIB).

Format: GML

The fine mapping of streets contains information about the category, material, and use of individual objects in the street space of district and main traffic streets and is maintained in the respective district. Included fields: district number, street name, street type, district, use, category, and content. The fine mapping of streets was created based on aerial image digitization in the individual districts.

Format: GML

The dataset contains the condition classes of all Hamburg streets, which have been driven on and evaluated as part of the regular condition survey and evaluation (ZEB) since 2014. The main traffic routes (HVS) and district streets with city-wide importance (BSGB) have been surveyed every two years since 2014. In 2016, all other district streets were also surveyed once. The evaluation sections are 20m long on HVS and BSGB and 10m on all other district streets.

Format: WFS, GML

The dataset contains the permissible maximum speeds for the Hamburg road network, as well as additional information on 20 km/h and 30 km/h zones, traffic-calmed areas, and special regulations, such as time restrictions (30 km/h at night for noise protection, 30 km/h during the day in front of sensitive facilities) or restrictions for certain vehicles.
These additional information is included in supplementary layers and in the attributes of the Permissible Maximum Speeds layer.
In addition, the attributes contain further basic information on the individual road sections.

Format: WFS, GML

The SIM3S Corpus is a data record of 26635 short messages (tweets) that are annotated with sentimental values ​​in relation to accessibility of stops, transportation and operators of public transport (public transport). The data record can be used as a training or test corpus for aspectorate sentiment analysis. Both experts and laypersons (crowdworkers) were used to create the data record.

Format: XML

A trip Path represents a vehicle trip as an orderly list of street segments with entry and exit times and distant distances. The creation of a trip path is a multi-stage process that includes card comparison, routing and probabilistic evaluation in order to determine the most likely path of a vehicle. The result is a complete path that consists of successive street segments, including the segments through a vehicle, on which no GPS points were recorded. Since the challenges of mapping, routing and spatial/temporal interpolation have already been mastered, trips can be connected to streets by using any routing card from intersection to intersection, and it can easily be interesting, such as travel time, turning conditions, initial conditions Target numbers etc. are determined.

Format: CSV

Caused accidents that are shown on the traffic information boards in the port. The accidents are activated when the threshold values ​​(induction loops) are reached or by manual inputs (e.g. blocking reports, incidents, time circuits for construction sites and also residual perrdurals for the movable bridges. These count down minute

Format: CSV

Traffic volume of numerous road cross -sections measured by induction loops (each with vehicle classification and speed). Traffic deviations (e.g. from point A via c to d) and traffic quality (medium speeds) on corridors. WLAN/BT detectors record vehicle devices and can recognize them anonymously elsewhere. Current parking space advertisements of the largest truck parking spaces in the port.

Format: CSV

Timetics data in the NETEX format (Delfi data record) filtered after the selected metropolitan region of Hamburg. The timetable in the NETEX format are filtered out of the German-wide target timetables of the state information systems merged by Delfi using an app of the Mobilithek (Delfi app). All lines are taken into account, the stops in the metropolitan region (therefore, for example, the Hamburg-Rotterdam long-distance bus line is also included). Since Geokoordinati are not specified for all stops in the state information systems, but they are fundamental for filtering from the total database, gaps can occur in the filtered data.

Format: NeTEx